Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Immigration: Comprehensive Reform vs. Piecemeal Reform
Advocates for comprehensive
immigration reform are still going strong in the fight for passing one bill
that would completely revamp our immigration system and deal, on a global basis,
with border security, employment immigration, a path to citizenship for the
and a way to handle the 11 million undocumented people currently living in
the United States. Advocates had high
hopes for this reform to be passed through Congress prior to August 2nd,
when Congress went on its summer recess.
Although a comprehensive reform bill passed the Senate,[2]
it had stalled in the House before the recess began. A lot of debate still remains about border
security and whether or not a path to citizenship should be instituted for the
11 million undocumented people living in the United States. Now that our Representatives are home
and meeting with their constituents, the immigration advocacy and debate has
continued and the push for reform has not been swept under the proverbial table
quite yet.
A new debate is beginning though,
amongst and between advocates for immigration reform. While all are still pushing for full comprehensive
change and relief, some in the advocacy committee are saying that reform may
have a better chance for success if the bill is separated out and the
individual immigration issues are dealt with on a one-by-one basis. The idea is that some parts of immigration
reform may be easier to pass through the House than others, and it would be
better to get some reform than nothing altogether. For example, the population of people who
would be eligible for benefits if there was a new Dream Act passed would be
far less than the total population of undocumented individuals in the U.S. Additionally, the Dreamers are more sympathetic than their
parents, in that in order to be a Dreamer, among other requirements, a person
had to come over to the United States as a child, live and be raised in the
United States, and go to school or have graduated from school or earned a
GED in the U.S. Most of these children
came over when they were very young and did not have any “mens rea” or criminal
intent when they crossed the border without proper documentation. They also cannot have a criminal record. The lack of guilt on their part makes reform
for this group easier to accept for some legislators rather than, for example,
their parent’s who knew what they were doing when coming over here. In fact, Republican law makers considered
passing a Dreamers Bill this past July.[3]
As an advocate for immigrant
children, I help abused and neglected children receive immigration benefits
through Special Immigration Juvenile Status (SIJS) and older children and young
adults in the “Dreamers” category through President Obama’s administrative order
allowing for a partial “Dream” through Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA). Therefore, with this background
in helping children, my first reaction is that some reform, especially reform
that would help underrepresented children, who had no part in creating their
current legal predicament, should be welcomed and celebrated with open
There is hefty push back on this,
however. Most surprisingly, the
push-back is coming from the Dreamer’s population itself, the very group that would
gain the most from a new Dreamers Act being passed.[4] Their argument is that family preservation is
paramount and nothing less than full reform for all undocumented individuals is
acceptable. Their parents risked
everything for them to have a better life here in the U.S., and now they are
taking a similar risk for their parents in opposing a new Dream Act.
Last week, an Ohio family’s
struggle made the national press because of the threat of deportation to the
undocumented father, when his children need him here to help them, especially
the special needs child who requires around-the-clock care by his parents.[5] This is a fairly typically family with a mix
of both documented and undocumented members residing in the U.S. within one nuclear
family. The push back from the children
is that simply focusing on the children is not enough; because they need their parents
here in the U.S. with them to thrive and grow into contributing members of
society. As an adoption and immigration professional,
I agree and make this argument on a regular basis when the situation is turned
around and the adopted child is undocumented and the parents are US citizens. In other words, an adoption is only strong if
the family can get the child immigration benefits as well as a finalized adoption so
that the family can remain and live together as a unit. If a child is at risk of getting deported,
then the adoption also fails because the unity meant to be created by the
adoption would be ripped apart. The same
reasoning should hold true even in non-adoptive families when the tables are turned and the children already have
citizenship either through birth right or a new Dreamers Act but their parents
are undocumented.
Is it better to have some reform, especially
for children, if that means that they could potentially stay here, but their
parents might still face deportation? Or
should all advocates of immigration reform hold out and not promote anything
less than comprehensive reform?
Dreamers are immigrants who entered the country undocumented as children
The Senate Bill passed on June 26, 2013 after much debate. It passed 68 to 32, with all Democrats and 14
Republicans in support of the comprehensive bill. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/27/senate-immigration-reform-bill_n_3511664.html
[3] House Majority Leader Eric
Cantor and House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., worked to unveil the
Kids Act to give Dreamers the same path to citizenship that they voted against
in 2010.
[4] See Fox, Lauren, GOP DREAM Act Not Enough For Dreamers,
GOP’s piecemeal approach gets blasted by dreamers, US News, July 22, 2013, available at http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/07/22/gop-dream-act-not-enough-for-dreamers.
[5] See Sarlin, Benjy, Ohio Family’s Struggle
Defines Deportation Debate, MSNBC, August 16, 2013, available at http://tv.msnbc.com/2013/08/16/how-one-familys-immigration-struggle-defines-the-deporation-debate/
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Additional Commentary to Margaret Stock's Recent Blog Post: "Sessions amendment would harm military families."
Additional Commentary to Margaret Stock’s Recent
Blog Post:
“Sessions’ amendment would harm military families”
“Sessions’ amendment would harm military families”
Margaret Stock, a renowned
immigration attorney and retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army, wrote a
blog post Monday[1]
pointing out that one of the proposed amendments by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)
to the immigration reform bill written by the “Gang of Eight” would “cause huge
problems for military family members by mandating the imprisonment for 60 to 90
days of people who overstay their permission to be in the United States."
Margaret Stock argues in her
article that this amendment would negatively affect military personnel who are
trying to quickly bring their spouses over to the United States when they get
transferred back to a home base and are erroneously advised to have their spouses
petition for visitors visas, instead of waiting on the approval of a family-based
petition. Their spouses often over-stay
the visitor’s visas once they get here while waiting for immigration benefits
after the military personnel properly file a family-petition for them.
Under current law, overstaying a
visa is an immigration “infraction,” not a “criminal” violation.[2] Similar
infractions under state law include seatbelt violations, simple speeding
tickets or littering citations. The most
common infraction of this level, which most Americans at some point or another
have done in their lives, is putting a letter in a friend’s mailbox instead of
sending it through the post. Sen.
Sessions is suggesting putting people in jail for the immigration infraction of
overstaying the visa. Should we also start
putting everyone in jail that puts a letter in the mailbox of a neighbor? What
about for writing a bad check? Is this where we want our criminal justice tax
dollars going?
At Steffas & Associates, P.C.
we adamantly advise and encourage our clients to go through the correct routes
to gaining immigration benefits. We
explain that coming in on a visitor’s visa, if their intention is to immigrate,
is fraud and should never be done. We
get many cases, however, when the clients, like those described by Margaret
Stock, were wrongly told by other attorneys or friends to come in on the B-2 visa,
and now they are here in the U.S. with a valid path to legalization. For those who do this unknowingly, should we
be putting them in our jails, and using tax dollars to criminalize people who
have married our servicemen and women who work and fight to protect our
country? I think not.
I think instead we should help
them gain their legal status and worry more about putting in jail people who
are committing real immigration crimes,
such as trafficking women and children. According to U.S. State Department
data, “an estimated 600,000 to 820,000 men, women, and children [are]
trafficked across international borders each year.”[3] The people who are committing these heinous
crimes against our immigration laws and against the laws humanity, are just one
example of money better spent on the criminal side, than jailing the spouses of
men and women who serve our country.
[1] http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/homeland-security/300797-sessions-amendment-would-harm-military-families
[2] It
only becomes criminal and has eligibility for jail-time if the Attorney General
decides to pursue a particular case.
Trafficking in Persons
Report, (June 3, 2005), Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons,
Department of State, http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2005/46606.htm.
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